Mozilla released Firefox 88 on April 19, 2021. This is the fourth major browser update in 2021. Mozilla continues to roll out new browser updates every month this year, as it did in the year 2020.
There was not much in terms of major updates in this new release, but I’ll cover a couple of notable changes in this Firefox Review.
The key changes that I'll cover in this new browser update include: protection against privacy leaks; a small change in Firefox Screenshots; and JavaScript support in PDF forms. So now let's dive right in...
First up, Mozilla has introduced a new protection against privacy leaks on the web. Trackers are no longer able to abuse the “” property to track users across websites. In Firefox 88, data is limited to the website that created it, in order to protect against cross-site privacy leaks. I won’t get too technical about this but you can read more about it in this detailed blog post.
Next up, a little change in Firefox Screenshots. The Take Screenshot option is no longer listed under Page Actions. Firefox users can right-click on a page and then select Take Screenshot. Alternatively, if you go to the Customize Menu (in the top-right corner of the browser) and choose Customize Toolbar. Here you will see a Take Screenshot button which you can drag and drop to the Firefox toolbar.
And finally, Firefox 88 now supports JavaScript embedded in PDF files. This was included because some PDF forms use JavaScript for validation and other interactive features. So these were some of the notable changes in Firefox 88.
You can check the list of detailed changes in the Release Notes, you’ll find the links below. In terms of the Browsermark Benchmark test results, the overall performance of Firefox remained steady compared to the earlier version. On the other hand, Google Chrome has continued to outperform. Well, that's it for now, until next time, thanks for stopping by!
CREDITS: Browser Benchmark Tests Performed Using Browsermark from Basemark | Firefox information and logos used under Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) | Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries | Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission | Images and graphics used are public domain via Pixabay unless otherwise mentioned | Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.