Showing posts with label Images for Social Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Images for Social Media. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Create Free Quote Images in Pablo

Pablo is a free web-based app developed by a company called Buffer. Sharing and posting inspirational and motivational quotes is popular on social media. It's a great way to share positivity and encouragement. I personally love sharing quotes that inspire and motivate.

If you use social media, it's a good idea to share quote images from time to time. In fact, on Twitter, you will often notice trending topics like #MondayMotivation #TuesdayMotivation #WednesdayWisdom and the like.

With Pablo you can create free quote images by using royalty-free and copyright-free images that are built into the app itself. This is done via the API integration with two popular public domain image sites Unplash and Pixabay.

You have access to literally thousands of high quality images that you can use in your quote images to make them look really professional. In fact, you can even add your company logo to brand the quote images. There is an option to upload your logo and place it anywhere on the quote image.

With the Pablo app, you can create quote images for Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Apart from being able to create free quote images, you can also create other types of social media images and banners for promotional purposes.

I've created many different quotes images using this useful free cloud-based app. In fact, I've created a step-by-step tutorial on How to Create Quote Images in Pablo you can check the video below:

Based on my own experience using Pablo, I found it easy-to-use and I like the overall simplistic user-interface. You can create quote images within a few minutes and share them directly to your social media accounts or use the download option to download the quote image to your computer.

Apart from creating your own custom quotes images, you can use the automatic quote generator. Just with a click of a button you can generate random quotes and if you like a particular quote, you can decide to use it and create your quote image.

With the built-in API integration that gives you access to thousands of beautiful copyright-free images, you can use the same quote with different images. You can also apply filters to your images to create a contrast between the background image and the text in the foreground.

Below are some examples of branded quote images that I've created in Pablo. You will notice that I added my own logo on the quote images. As I mentioned earlier, the Pablo app is free to use and you don't even need to register or sign-in and nothing to download because it's a web-based app. I personally use Pablo and would definitely recommend it. I'm pretty sure you'll love it!

CREDITS: Pablo logo & screenshots are copyright protected and used with permission. Pablo is a start-up and product of Buffer | Images used on the Pablo App are from and | Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries | Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners | Video Produced by Anthony Godinho, HR Professional, Internet Marketer, YouTube Partner & Blogger.