Showing posts with label YouTube Tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube Tutorials. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2019

How to Stretch Video in Movavi Video Editor

I've used many different video editors over the years since I got into video creation and video marketing. For the past couple of years, I've stuck with Movavi Video Editor as my main video editing software.

One of the main reasons I like Movavi is because it's simple to use, but at the same time it has some really useful video editing features. I'm using one of the older versions of Movavi and it works great for the types of videos that I create.

In this particular blog post, I'm going to share How to Stretch a 4:3 aspect ratio video to a 16:9 aspect ratio video. Bear in mind that this particular feature is not available in the newer versions of Movavi. So if you're using the latest version, you may not have this feature.

That being said, all hope is not lost. You can still manually stretch your 4:3 aspect ratio video to a 16:9 aspect ratio video. And further down this blog post, you will find a video tutorial where I show you how to manually stretch your MP4 video using Movavi.

So first let me start by showing you how to stretch a 4:3 aspect ratio video to a 16:9 aspect ratio video using the built-in Project Settings feature in the older version of Movavi.

One way to covert a 4:3 video to a 16:9 video is to use the Crop Tool in Movavi. However, using this method, you will lose some of the content in the video. If you’d like keep all the content and just stretch the video, you will need to use the Stretch option under Project Settings. In order to do so, follow these steps:

  1. Add the video to Movavi using the Add Media button;
  2. Click the Edit button, in the Project Settings section (below the timeline);
  3. Set the resolution of the video (I used 1280x720p in this example);
  4. Under Framing, choose Stretch and click OK;
  5. and finally, render the video using the Export button.

If you prefer video instructions, watch this video tutorial on How to Stretch a Video in Movavi video editor in which I walk you through the process step-by-step:

Like I said earlier, if you're using the latest version of Movavi video editor, then most probably you won't have the Project Settings option. In this case, you will have to manually stretch your video. You can check this tutorial below to do so. Bear in mind that this tutorial below is just a rough tutorial I created for one of my YouTube viewers who requested it:

I don't know why the Movavi team removed this Project Settings feature in the new versions. I find it very useful and so I've contacted them and asked them to add it back. I would appreciate if you could also contact Movavi and ask them to add this feature back in their latest version. The more users contact them, the more likely they are to add this feature back.

Well, hope you found this tutorial useful. You will find many more Movavi video tutorials as well as my Movavi Review on my YouTube channel. If you have a request for a specific tutorial, please let me know and I will do my best to create it.

Also, if you don't yet have Movavi Video Editor, you can get up to 30% discount. Check the links below to avail of these special prices. The 30% offer is for a limited time:

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below. Thanks for stopping by and happy video editing!

: If you use the links above to purchase any of the Movavi products. I may earn a commission as an affiliate marketer from reputable companies like Avangate, Amazon, JVZoo and the like. This recommendation and review is based on my firsthand experience using the mentioned products myself.

CREDITS: Movavi logo and screenshots are copyright protected used with permission | Any images, graphics, video clips used in this video belong to Anthony Godinho or are licensed for commercial purposes and used with permission | Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries | Video Created Using BSR Screen Recorder 6.0 (commercial use rights) | Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners | Video Produced by Anthony Godinho, Internet Marketer, YouTube Partner & Blogger

Monday, February 29, 2016

How to Use YouTube Custom Blurring Tool

YouTube introduced the Custom Blurring Tool in late February 2016. This is an extension of the blurring feature they had launched in 2012. This new feature provides the ability to blur people’s faces or blur sensitive information in your videos uploaded to YouTube.

I think it’s a great feature to have built-in, as part of the YouTube’s video Enhancements tools. This blur feature can be used once the video is uploaded to your channel.

The blur tool is a desktop version and works on static and moving objects. Of course, it’s a bit tricky and potentially time-consuming when working with moving subjects in your video.

When using the Custom Blurring tool, I noticed that it can be a little tricky when blurring moving objects, especially during the beginning of the video. The preview looks grainy and so it’s not always easy to tell if the final edited video will come out right. The video below is a test video I used to test out YouTube’s Custom Blurring Tool. As you can tell, at the beginning of the video, it didn’t completely cover one of the girl’s faces, but overall I think it’s did a pretty good job of blurring the faces in the entire video.

To use the Custom Blurring Tool, find the video in your Video Manager. Then click on the Edit button, and choose Enhancements. Next, in the Blurring Effects tab, you will find two blurring options: automatic, and custom. When you choose the Custom option, you will be able to draw a blur box around the area in the video that you want to blur.

This tool is designed to intuitively analyze what you’re trying to blur as the video plays. Depending on how movement there is, you will need to do some fine-tuning by adjusting the blur boxes as your scrub through the video. You will see the blur annotations in your video timeline. You can accordingly adjust the duration of the blur on the timeline itself. For static objects, you can use the Lock feature in the video timeline.

Once you’re done making the changes, you can save the video as a new video, or override the existing video and publish it on YouTube. In case you don’t want to publish the video life publicly, you can first upload the video as Unlisted and then make it public once you’re completed the changes and are happy with the result. It does take a little while for processing the changes.

For example, a short 19 second video (as shown above) took around 10 minutes to process. 10 minutes may not seem like a long time, but for a 19-second video, it is. But then again, it will depend on how many adjustments have been made. The Custom Blurring Tool is not perfect, but it’s very useful to have in your video editing arsenal.

You can check the video tutorial below on How to Use the YouTube Custom Blurring Tool:

Have you tried YouTube’s Custom Blurring Tool? Feel free to share your thoughts and comments below. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks for stopping by!

- Canoeing video footage of taken by Anthony Godinho at Port Credit, Ontario, Canada
- Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.

- Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Used with permission from Microsoft.