Showing posts with label Twitter Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter Help. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

How to Control Tweet Replies on Twitter

Twitter is among the top social media platforms today. Accordingly to stats from the Q1 2019 Earnings report, Twitter had 330 million monthly active users.

Like most social networks, Twitter tests and implements new features and functionality to their website.

A few months ago, Twitter beta tested a reply moderation feature which seems to have been received well by the testers.

So recently, Twitter decided to roll out this new feature across the platform. When you send a tweet out on Twitter, other users are able to respond to your tweets if you have a public Twitter profile.

In the past, when you tweeted, anyone could reply to your tweet, whether they are following you or not.


With this new reply moderation feature, Twitter users will now have 3 options to control who can reply to their tweets. Now, when you tweet, you will see these 3 options are listed below:

  • Everyone: this is currently set as the default option. If you have a public Twitter account, anyone user will be able to reply to your tweet.

  • People You Follow: this option only allows people that you follow on Twitter, as well as people that you @ mention in the tweet, to be able to reply to that tweet.

  • Only People You Mention: this option will allow only people that you @ mention in your tweet to be able to reply.

To see this first hand, you can watch this video tutorial below on How to Control Tweet Replies on Twitter:


  • The above mentioned reply moderation feature applies to only those tweets that you specifically mark as such.

  • If you use one of the reply moderation features to limit replies to your tweets, it will display as such and other users will be able to see that the particular tweet is limited in term of replying.

  • This moderation feature will not limit other Twitter users from liking or sharing your tweet (or re-tweeting it). They will also be able to vote on polls (if your tweet includes a poll).

  • The moderation set for a particular tweet cannot be edited once the tweet is published. You would have to delete the tweet and then create a new tweet.

  • If you delete the original tweet, any replies or retweets (of the main tweet) will lose any previous restrictions that were set.

Overall, I like this new tweet moderation feature because it will provide much more flexibility for certain tweets and users to freely share their opinions without fearing haters out there.

It will also help curb trolls and spammers whom you see very often on Twitter. Have you used this new reply moderation feature? Please feel free to share your thoughts and if you intend to use it on your tweets. Thanks for stopping by!

CREDITS: Twitter logo and screenshots are copyright protected and used with permission | Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission | Commercial rights to use videos, graphics & images  used in this video | Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries | Logos and screenshots used with permission from Microsoft | Other company names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

How to Embed Twitter Timeline on Website

Twitter is one of the top social media platforms that marketers use to share content with others. If you have a website or blog, you can also showcase your tweets by embedding them right on your website.

In an earlier blog post, I shared with you How to Embed Facebook Posts, as well as How to Embed a Facebook Page.

This embedding feature can come very handy because you can showcase your Facebook and Twitter posts with others without them having you leave your website.

Also, in an earlier post I shared with you How to Embed Tweets on your website. In this blog post, I'll focus on how to embed your Twitter timeline in Blogger.

In this video tutorial below, I walk you through the process step-by-step on How to Embed your Twitter Timeline on your website or blog. Further down below, you will also find written instructions on how to do so:

In order to embed your Twitter timeline follow these steps:

Step 1: go to this website URL
Step 2: enter your Twitter handle (for example, @ajgodinho)
Step 3: click the little arrow button
Step 4: choose the Embedded Timeline option
Step 5: copy embed code (using the Copy button)
Step 6: paste embed code in HTML editor of website

Note that you can also use the "Customization Options" links on the page, if you wish to customize the way the embedded Twitter timeline looks like. For example, you can you can choose a Dark or Light theme.

If you're also interested to learn How to Embed Tweets on your website, feel free to check out this video tutorial below:

Well, hope you found this Twitter help blog post helpful. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section. Thanks for stopping by!

CREDITS: Twitter logo and screenshots are copyright protected and used with permission | Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission | Commercial rights to use videos, graphics & images  used in this video | Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries | Logos and screenshots used with permission from Microsoft | Other company names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

How to Embed Tweets in Blogger

In an earlier blog post, I showed you How to Embed Facebook Posts. In this tutorial, you will learn How to Embed Tweets in Blogger. This applies to any other website where you can use the built-in HTML editor to embed your Twitter posts.

Embedding tweets in blog posts is common and is a great way to share yur tweets as well as other popular tweets. Below, you will see two examples of embedded tweets.

The first example is an image tweet in which I tweeted an quote image. These embedded tweets retain link functionality, which means that visitors can like the tweet directly from your blog post (for example).

In the second example, I embedded my Twitter timeline which lists down several of my latest tweets. This is great because you can also use this to display it in a sidebar of your website, if you choose to.

If you prefer watching a video tutorial, feel free to watch this video below in which I walk you through the process of embedding a tweet, step-by-step.

So here are the steps on How to Embed a Tweet:

  • Step 1: click down-arrow (top-right corner of tweet)
  • Step 2: choose the Embed Tweet option
  • Step 3: copy embed code (using Copy button)
  • Step 4: paste code in HTML editor (of website)

Bear in mind that you also have some basic options to customize the embedded tweet (optional). In order to do so, you can click the "Set Customization Options" link. As I showed in the video tutorial above, you will see options for a light and dark background. As well as, changing the color of the links in the tweet.

Below is an example of the embedded tweet that I showed in the video tutorial above. It is an image quote that I has tweeted. As you can see, the tweet is interactive, in the sense that, you can LIKE the tweet directly from the embed.

Here is another example of an embedded tweet in which I embedded my twitter timeline. The process of embedding the twitter timeline is similar. You just use your Twitter handle and choose the Timeline option. It will then generate the embed code which you can copy and paste (just like I did here).

Well, hope this brief tutorial helped on how to embed tweets on your website. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section. Thanks for stopping by!

CREDITS: Twitter logo and screenshots are copyright protected and used with permission | Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission | Commercial rights to use videos, graphics & images  used in this video | Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries | Logos and screenshots used with permission from Microsoft | Other company names may be trademarks of their respective owners.