Showing posts with label android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android. Show all posts

Monday, May 22, 2023

How to Clear Browser Cookies Cache History

In this blog post, you will learn How to Clear Cookies, Cache and History on your browser and Android phone.

Browsing history comprises of the list of websites you visited during a specified time-frame. Browser cache stores temporary files like images to help load websites faster. And browser cookies store information like IP addresses, preferences, date and time of visit, etc.

Cookies, cache and history are useful for speed and performance, however they also can be present a disadvantage when it comes to online privacy because they can track you.

So it's a good idea to clear these temporary files which can also bog down your browser performance if not cleared regularly.

In this blog post, I will share step-by-step instructions as well as walk-through videos to help you clear your browsing cookies, cache and history on your computer and Android smartphone in Google Chrome and Firefox.


Below please find a video with step-by-step instructions on How to clear cookies, cache and history in your Google Chrome browser in Windows 10:

(1) Open your Google Chrome browser;
(2) click on the 3-dots icon (in the top-right corner);
(3) choose HISTORY and then HISTORY again;
(4) click on CLEAR BROWSING DATA and you'll see a dialog-box pop-up;
(5) choose a TIME RANGE using the drop-down (the default is ALL TIME);
(6) and finally, click on this CLEAR DATA button.


Below please find a video with step-by-step instructions on How to clear cookies, cache and history in your Google Chrome browser in Windows 10:

(1) Open your Google Chrome browser (on your phone);
(2) tap on the 3-dots icon (in the top-right corner);
(3) choose HISTORY and tap on CLEAR BROWSING DATA;
(4) next, use the drop-down and choose ALL TIME;
(5) and finally tap on CLEAR DATA.


Below please find a video with step-by-step instructions on How to clear cookies, cache and history in your Google Chrome browser in Windows 10:

(1) Open your Firefox browser;
(2) click on the hamburger icon (in the top-right corner);
(4) choose EVERYTHING (from the pop-up dialog box);
(5) and finally, click on CLEAR NOW.

Hope you found this blog post useful and were able to successfully clear your cookies, cache and history. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below.

CREDITS: Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission | Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries | Logos and screenshots used with permission from respective owners | Other company names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Vulnerability in Android Smartphones

If you’re an Android smartphone user, you may want to pay attention to this security vulnerability which was first reported by Bluebox Security.

Essentially, with this Android vulnerability, hackers are able to take control of any app installed on your smartphone and turn it into a malicious Trojan. And all this activity takes place under the radar without being detected even by the Google App Store because this vulnerability enables the app APK code to be modified without detection. Having done so, the hacker gets complete access to the exploited smartphone(s).

According to Bluebox, this security vulnerability was reported to Google in February 2013. To protect Android smartphone users, it’s manufacturers’ responsibility to provide firmware, however, this is not a consistent process and could leave users vulnerable to security breaches via their smartphones. So Android users are encouraged to be proactive and protect the security of their smartphones.

One thing you can do is beware of the types of apps you download to your smartphone. Secondly, check the Android apps you’ve already got installed on your phone and the settings for automatic updates. Some users may have hundreds of apps installed and therefore opt into the automatic app updates. This can leave your mobile phone vulnerable to updates that may contain malware and spyware. You can check the video below to learn how to disable the auto-update app feature.

Also, Bluebox has come up with a free app called “Bluebox Security Scanner” which can be downloaded at the Google Play (Google’s app store). Basically, this app will check to see if your smartphone is vulnerable; if your phone settings allow non-Google apps to be installed; and will identify specific apps installed on your smartphone that may be attempting to take advantage of this security vulnerability.